Israel, Commies, Creeps and the Congressmen.
Leading off this entry I shall give note to the wonderful upstanding congressmen that seem to want a coup de tete against the Commander in Chief. Yes my fellow Americans (well most of my readers), our elected officials have teamed up with a communist based movement called "The World Can't Wait". You may be knowledgeable of them. They have the distinct green logo with a globe on it. They typically march with other organization looking for the downfall of decency and freedom like, A.N.S.W.E.R., Code Pink, CAIR, etc... Just whom may be the partner in crime in this... well of course, the infamous New Yorkie Slimes. (Tossing a porterhouse to The American Thinker).
This is nothing new for those elected officials in the U.S. government to act in contradictory measures though. All one needs to due is look at the immigration policy debate and you can see this. During said continuing debate, Mexico has been allowed to voice their loud and obnoxious, if not just unreasonable demands upon the American populace. Even with its constant intervention into other countries' internal matters, they become quite miffed when other ambassadors may express their own thoughts on subjects within Mexico. Newsmax has the skinny. All I can say is: Dab nabbit Israel, you should have known better.
Since the inception of Israel, there has been threats towards her. Many say it is about land that has been stolen to make the state, yet others just desire for her destruction for no other reason than she is Jewish and a close democratic allie to us Americans in the midst of the jaws of Islam. The Washington Times has an interesting perspective on the current military action she is undertaking at this moment. Its a good breath of fresh air to see that there are news organization out there actually with two licks of common sense. This must be spreading because even NPR is broadcasting Pro-Israel clips now too. This said, I am suspicious though. I have a feeling they searched and searched to find some people against the war, yet could only come up with a Palestinian to be against it while the Israelis are all for it (Listen to the interviews via Real or Windows media players).
The National Post from Canada makes a comparison to Hezbollah and Nazis, where as Yahoo news is running a story about other Islamic groups joining Al-Qeada. My thoughts are simple on this, they are all terrorists regardless of what flag they pledge to fight under. Hezzies, Qeadas, Muzzy brothers... no difference to me. They all want you and I dead. The only way to handle people and ideologies like this is to completely wipe them off the face of the earth. This is the only way peace will come about in dealing with these groups.
With reports pouring out of Lebanon about the horrid conditions of the "innocent", a Canadian paper has decide to call CNN accountable for their misleading broadcasts. This is a must read, even our socialistic neighbors to the north can see the horse puckey CNN vomits out as "truth in reporting". On the other underside of the globe, an Australian paper tell us that a peace activist group is heading to Lebanon. What that story fails to mention is what group Medea Benjamin is affiliated with.
Medea: Co-founder of Code Pink, and uniter of other anti American groups, like United for Peace and Justice. Her leftwing rhetoric and actions are not a newfound past-time for her though. John Perazzo has more on her.
Instead, Ms. Benjamin asserts that Bush "has responded to the violent attack of 9-11 with the notion of perpetual war . . . a war in Afghanistan that included dropping over 20,000 bombs, many of which missed their targets and led to the killing and maiming of thousands of civilians." Global Exchange, she explains, "hired a survey team in Afghanistan that documented over 800 civilian deaths and many more wounded." Yet she does not acknowledge that this number is remarkably small, given the massive firepower dropped upon this nation of 26 million people. Had the US been truly careless or malicious, casualties could easily have numbered in the millions.
What is the most enjoyable fact of her is that even the lefturds at the DNC don't want her around. In short, life can't get any "better for her" where she is going. Being a co-founder of Code Pink, a known donator to terrorist, and Cindy Sheehan supporter, she will have no problems in Hezzy land.
Tags: Israel, Lebanon, Terrorism, Liberals, Conservatives, Cindy Sheehan, DNC, Mexico, CNN, Media, MSM, Moonbat, Hezbollah, NAZI, Al-Qeada, War on Terror.
Is it possible that the MSM and the democratic party are starting to wake up to the fact the inmates are running their asylum? That the democratic party is being controlled by extremists from out of left field and beyond? Could it be that the MSM realizes that they have no creditablity with their past slanted and often nonfactual based reporting. That with the blogsphere exposeing one after another of their bias and propaganda? Dan Rather, the Reuters photoshop, and more support foir the loonies?
Is it revenue missing from their secrete capitolistic bank accounts that have them turnning tail and trying to come bac to reality?
In answer to you questions: possibly, and another question too. Is it possible that they are seeing what liberalism has done to the EU and all the problems with those jihadists wishing to kill all there that could be changing their minds?
Hey there :) I was thinking about using blogspot, but the truth is I am kinda tired of writing. I start back to school soon and my hubby is coming home for good in a little over two months. It seems my priorities are changing. I just want to spend time with my kids and whatnot and I also need to prepare for my Hubby's return. YAY I am so excited, but I keep telling myself to stop counting my chicken.....=))
Tell me why I thought all this time you were American? Well, I obviously knew you were of Latin desent, but I didn't realize you were not in the states with us. Can I ask why not? Did you just choose to stay whever it is you are? Where are you anyways? =)) You can email me that one.
I still think you have one of the bestest blogs I have ever read :) Well, I gots to run for now.
DevilMoma :P
Hey there :) I was thinking about using blogspot, but the truth is I am kinda tired of writing. I start back to school soon and my hubby is coming home for good in a little over two months. It seems my priorities are changing. I just want to spend time with my kids and whatnot and I also need to prepare for my Hubby's return. YAY I am so excited, but I keep telling myself to stop counting my chicken.....=))
Tell me why I thought all this time you were American? Well, I obviously knew you were of Latin desent, but I didn't realize you were not in the states with us. Can I ask why not? Did you just choose to stay whever it is you are? Where are you anyways? =)) You can email me that one.
I still think you have one of the bestest blogs I have ever read :) Well, I gots to run for now.
DevilMoma :P
Sorry :(
Wow, it always disappoints me when those elected officials who should know better side with those wanting to destroy them! Like negotiating with terrorists -- or actually believing Islamofascists are more than murderous barbarians -- it's just gonna get you killed.
Squid: I think we're past the point where we can expect our elected officials to know better. I'm pretty much to the point that I believe (sincerely) that most of our elected officials have very little in the way of reasoning or critical thinking skills. And some are downright imbeciles (e.g. Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dick Durbin, John Murtha, Al Gore, etc.). Even the best ones tend to be a bit dopey and have nothing more than political maneuvering "smarts."
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