Friday, October 20, 2006

Sindy Sheman, The Lancet's Authoritive Voice.

Yes my fellow bloggers of sane and decent reasoning tossed in with a good dose of logic and reality, I have been exposed once more to the pathetic moans and groans of the BDS crowd once more. I have subscribed to a number of mailing to fall into my e-mail box every day. This helps me to "keep up" with the wonderous world we live in. The oddest thing is, I have more conservative subscriptions and middle of the road ones, thant what I do the lefturds' ones. However, just one of the lefturds' produce more monkey flung feces than any of my other forms of mail combined... to include the spam for stocks, penis gimmacks, drugs, etc....

Today I scanned down through this heap of crap and I catch a headline stating the Sindy Sheman is doing the numbers. These numbers have to do with the Lancet's recent erroneous report about the death toll in Iraq with respect to the civilains killed. The first look at the report, if you were a brain dead ass pimple, you would be horrified at the numbers. Thankfully, I am well aware of their previous bogus claims to this same subject. What once was a publication filled with great medical studies and general health information has now been deemed to be personal hygeinic anal paper. Yet those of the left take this as pure honesty filled gold because it backs what they are saying. Truth matters not to them, as it matters not to those that wish us, the ones that actual dig for the truth, harm.

This sputum of falicy was posted in the highly rightous online magzine Truthout. Yes they have been very active lately. I rarely read their spittle of cockroachness unless I happen upon a headline that is of somewhat humerous, if not interesting content from the malignant malcontent known as the progressives. Which in reality they are regressive due to their very nature and fantasies of a communist sort of lifestyle to be imposed upon all of us in the free world. The leftwardly pidgeons of the democrap party and others have really been having a hay day about this that and everything else. Of course it is always the big bad evil conservatives and Bush and the administration that is in power today that is at fault for the state of the world.

This is a common rresounding echo from any of these misfits of genetic waste. another one is that truthout seems to be just as hard up for the green backs as air america. For at least about a week now (sorry I have not keep very good track) they have been begging for cash. Yet my other mailer says that they have exceeded thier hopes and goals from their readers. Must I point out... without alot of hounding. Also The Patriot Post has not unofficial nor official ties to either party and does not accept any donations from them. Unlike say other publications that shall remain unamed. You can take a guess, and probably already know whom they may be.



At 10/25/2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Devious Mind said...


Even those of us who understand just how far to the left society has fallen. (when liberals are called ultra right wing nuts) There is not just a war on Terrorism, or the southern boarder but a cultural and ideological war under way. One in which the extremists have positioned themselves in strategic places to stiffle the common sense voice. If you do not fall in line to the extreme view you must be a a bigot or racist , or just a simple hater.

All we can do is to continue trying to get our voice out and heard. Try to get people to think for themselves and not follow like sheep to the slaughter. It is a up hill battle for us as the extremists have been planning this for years.

At 10/25/2006 10:01 AM, Blogger Devious Mind said...


Even those of us who understand just how far to the left society has fallen. (when liberals are called ultra right wing nuts) There is not just a war on Terrorism, or the southern boarder but a cultural and ideological war under way. One in which the extremists have positioned themselves in strategic places to stiffle the common sense voice. If you do not fall in line to the extreme view you must be a a bigot or racist , or just a simple hater.

All we can do is to continue trying to get our voice out and heard. Try to get people to think for themselves and not follow like sheep to the slaughter. It is a up hill battle for us as the extremists have been planning this for years.

At 11/07/2006 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Carnivore! What are you up to? I'm still alive. How about you?

At 6/09/2007 3:52 PM, Blogger Rastaman said...

Apologies for this being out of context...

IslamaNazi is hosting a contest for the best flag to represent us Bloggers of the Resistance. All designs are welcome. See the sticky post at for details. The deadline for posting flag designs is 10 PM PST, Thursday, June 14th.

At 7/14/2007 2:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


1 – In 2001, he didn’t attack Islamism as the real within enemy in September 11.
Nothing did for stop the islamfascists of ACLU and CAIR to destroy Christianism and liberal laws and judges force the students to swallow the Islamic shit in the classrooms. And still permits islamonazists publications which prepare the war against the population disseminated by the Saudi Arabia in libraries of mosques, streets and bookstores for American muslims, preaching the destruction of America with anti-American, antichristian, anti-Jewish, misogynistic, jihadist and supremacist ideology. Obvious: Bush family has oil business with the Saudi real family. Can we trust in a leader sharing interests with the enemy?

2 – In 2002, he didn’t denounce the responsibility of the government Clinton for CIA errors that enabled the September 11. The investigator of the Department of Defense that was following a trail that would have avoided the attack, the lieutenant-colonel Tony Shaffer, simply was prevented of pass the information to the FBI, that like this could not dismantle the Al-Qaeda cell. It stopped why? Because former president Clinton centralized the straight control of all the organs of security and blocked deliberately the communications among them. CIA, FBI and other agencies then were driving parallel inquiries about the illegal funds of given campaign to the candidate Clinton by the Chinese army, and the subsequent favors that the very grateful president lent to the service of Chinese espionage. Without exchange of information, the investigators did not be able to unite the threads of the story line.

3 – In 2003, he did not announce that the Saddam Hussein’s Weapons of Mass Destruction were found. They are more of 500 – enough for poison to death the inhabitants of some twenty American cities. Republican senator Rick Santorum, using of the privileges of the
Freedom of Information Act
, obtained from the military secret service the complete relation. Reporter Richard Miniter already to have revealed the existence of those weapons, in its book " Disinformation: 22 Average Myths that Undermine the War on Terror". The strange point in the episode is that senator Santorum has had of pull out by force an information that Bush government should be screaming in all the media.

4 – In 2004, he did not condemn UNO by the scandal of corruption in the Oil for Food Program, involving Saddam Hussein and Koffi Annan and his son Kojo, and the governments of countries as France, Russia, Germany, China... and others crimes of the UNO, that became the worst enemy of the U.S.A. by the simple fact that it shelters or protects all the anti-American and terrorist dictatorships in its Commissions.

5 – In 2005, he did not defend himself neither attacked the Democrats responsible by the calamity of the hurricane Katrina: the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, and the mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin.

6 – In 2006, was discovered that he, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) signed an agreement for dissolve the borders between the U.S.A., Canada and the Mexico, practically eliminating the American nation as an independent political unit. The idea already was old, but then a citizen appealed to the Freedom of Information Act, obliging the government to divulge the documents about the matter. Then already there was conservatives openly calling Bush "treacherous". The report can be read in the site

7 – AND in 2007, Bush removes National Guard from US border. May I remember the consequences?

At 11/08/2007 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped reading at "brain dead ass pimple."

At 10/20/2014 12:35 PM, Anonymous Perfect Payday said...

Interesting article, we live in a convoluted world


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